纽约当代bittersweet童话 full of proper revolutionary pop culture reference and edgy writing technique. Tina Fey女士, 千禧年喜剧大师
编撰辞典竟然要这样寻根溯源电视剧二叔演员表大全几乎翻遍所有的文字记载;按照语录或者大纲杜撰不是简单多了不追求真实的语言真的还能发展吗对牛津辞典另眼相看对中文深感担忧/A dictionary by democracy. Still edited by us, learned men. /Please, let me teach you. You can teach your children. It's freedom./I can fly out of this place on the backs of books. I've gone to the end of the world on the wings of words. When I read, no one is after me. When I read, I am the one who is chasing, chasing after God./What I know of love, the sickness often becomes the cure./谨防心理医生/片中的怪词少份清单
顶流 (已过气:
“所有伟大且美丽的事物都来源于惊鸿一瞥后没有被丢弃到黑暗中我已经沉浸在黑暗中太久接过我的火炬我们将携手传递光明直至再无黑暗这是自由夫人站在书脊上我飞跃这围墙借文字之翼我抵达世界之巅只有阅读时后无追兵阅读时是我在追逐追寻上帝脚步我恳请你与我一同追寻”英语版编舟记语言本应像科学标准一般对待尊重我们每个人都是定义者;而语言永远不可能保持一致电视剧二叔演员表大全没有生命的创造何谈语言所有单词在语言中都是有说服力的古词或新兴词过时词或常用词外来词或本地词这本字典必须详细记录每个字的细微差别每个词源的误解和每一个作家可能用到的说明性引用字典是语言者的圣经永远不可能“完成”但它将永存“缮写室”将永存If love, then love. Only the most diligent life.